Digital auditing tools

Efficient auditing with the best new tools

We have invested in tools that make audits more efficient, with even better quality and deeper insight.

Transformation and innovation seem to be the top trend for auditing firms right now, but the truth is, we’ve been working closely with our clients on improving the auditing process for more than a decade. We have already invested in automation to speed up the process, to deliver even higher quality for our clients and gain deeper insight.

How can we help you?

We can give you the confidence your clients and suppliers need from you. You get reports you can trust, and we are able to identify potential weaknesses and risks. In this process, we use the digital and global tools at our disposal: — better analyses with artificial intelligence is an award-winning technology that can analyse figures much faster than an auditor. Without any mistakes. The technology harnesses PwC’s global knowledge and experience, embedding it in algorithms trained to replicate the thinking and decision-making of expert auditors. It examines every transaction in minute detail and is capable of finding anomalies humans cannot detect.

Halo — our proprietary data analysis tool

Halo is our revolutionary, award-winning data auditing tool, which has changed the way we work. With Halo, we can quickly and easily analyse how every single transaction flows through a given business process and identify unusual transactions that require our attention.

Connect — a data sharing tool between us and you

A solution that streamlines data sharing between us and you as the client. We can list the specific documentation we need, and you can document accounting lines in accordance with specifications.

Aura — our premium auditing software

We use this auditing tool to plan, execute and document the auditing process. Documentation and audit evidence can be shared seamlessly between different branch offices and even between different countries. More effective interaction and follow-up of status and progress.

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Aura, our global audit platform, is used by our nearly 100,000 auditors worldwide on every PwC audit.