
Negotiations and settlement of disputes

Our lawyers have a wide expertise in and assist the private sector in negotiations and settlement of disputes. We have experience in settling disputes in and outside the courtrooms, in mediation, arbitration and extra judicial mediation.

Extensive experience from settlement of disputes

Several of our lawyers have experience from the district court and we have lawyers who are frequently appointed arbitrators. We have lawyers who meet in the Supreme Court and lawyers with experience from the EFTA Court. 

Being right is not the same as getting right, and sometimes a non-juridical agreement may be a good and cost-effective alternative to a dispute. We consider all aspects of a case in connection with our counseling; legally and factual, commercial considerations and interests, as well as reputation risk and process economics.

Extensive experience from settlement of disputes is a prerequisite for providing clients with sound, experience-based advice with professional weight - in terms of the opportunity to win in a dispute, in terms of the benefits of engaging in an amicable solution and, possibly, the dispute resolution mechanisms that should be chosen. We consider time aspects and negotiation methods.

Our lawyers are confident in their profession and advise against dispute if it is in the best interests of the client.

Contact us

Agnetha Johansen Åsheim

Partner | Leder for Advokatfirmaet PwC, Oslo, PwC Norway

+47 952 62 889
