Public sector procurements


We have broad knowledge and extensive experience in working with public sector procurement, and are able to assist with public procurement from A to Z. Our public sector procurement clients are both public sector purchasers and private sector suppliers who provide goods and services to the public sector. Our approach to public sector procurement is to collaborate actively with our customers.

In order to provide procurement services in the most cost effective manner, we cooperate extensively with our consultants in PwC Consulting in matters related to operational and strategic procurement.

We can assist you with:

  • Large organisational projects where public procurement often is an important and difficult matter.
  • Procurement planning, including analysing and preparing purchase specifications and requirements.
  • Preparation of qualifying requirements, purchasing specification and other tender documentation required for public authorities’ procurement processes. Our services include assistance in selecting the proper procurement procedure, assistance in the evaluation of bidders/offers, and contract negotiations, where allowed.
  • Drafting announcements to be made in the public procurement databases (DOFFIN/TED).
  • Preparation of necessary routines and documents / templates, including protocols, contracts and contract monitoring relating to public procurement.
  • Providing reasoning relating to choice of suppliers, as well as rejection of offers/suppliers, and cancellation of tenders.
  • Handling and follow-up of alleged breaches of the regulations, including preparation of replies to complaints and petitions for injunctive relief and appeals to the Public Procurement Complaints Board (KOFA)/ESA.
  • General advice on, and interpretation of, the Public Procurement Act with regulations, and other public laws and regulations (e.g. the Public Administration Act / Freedom of Information Act)
  • Dispute resolution and litigation services, hereunder legal advice relating to petitions for access to tenders and procurement protocols under the Freedom of Information Act.


Contact us

Agnetha Johansen Åsheim

Partner | Leder for Advokatfirmaet PwC, Oslo, PwC Norway

+47 952 62 889
