CFO Solutions

Tailor made solutions for financial management 

We help businesses within several industries to professionalise and optimise their financial function. Whether you need ongoing advice or to hire a CFO or employee, we have the key competence you are looking for - wherever you are located. 

Our financial services reflect the needs of your business. Together, we ensure the the financial functions is adopted to your needs, work effectively and gives you access to all the management information you need.

Marianne BrusdalPartner, CFO Solutions

See our financial services

CFO or consultant on short notice

Are your controller on parental leave? Or are your finance department going through a strategic change? PwC's CFO Solutions offer consultants with extensive relevant experience. You can put together a finance function adapted to your needs - from ongoing support to management of the whole function. All this for a set monthly price.

Optimisation of the finance function

Our team in CFO Solutions consists of experienced and operational advisors who know good practice for effective finance functions. We are ready to help your finance function with technological boost needed to become the finance function of the future.

Successful implementation of ERP-solutions

It is no longer only the largest businesses who implement ERP-solutions. A number of smaller and middle sized companies go from traditional accounting systems to sky based ERP-solutions.

Such a transition can give most businesses considerable advantages in terms of flexibility, cost efficiency, better stability and more accessible information. The choice also involves new and challenging risks, and a good implementation process is critical to realise the benefits. We have extensive experience in comparing with good practice internationally and in the Norwegian market, and have access to precise and well proven methodology, expertise and industry experience.

We help your company with the choice of ERP-solution and during implementation.

One of Preem's petrol stations in Sweden

Preem: "Without PwC we wouldn't have had a chance, I am quite sure about that"

Swedens' largest oil company, Preem, had as their vision to be a leader in the green shift. When setting up business in Norway, laws and regulations were a complicated challenge. Climate- and tax regulations are closely bound together, and this could lead to problems. Through cooperation with PwC an innovative, digital and technical solution was developed. The solution gives Preem a corporate governance that helps secure the renewable business in Norway. 

Contact us

Marianne Brusdal

Partner | CFO Solutions, Oslo, PwC Norway

+47 952 60 702


Sindre Skogvang

Director | CFO Solutions, Oslo, PwC Norway

+47 952 60 329


Industries we help with accounting

Finance    Real estate    Renewable energy    Health    Industry and Commerce    

Public Sector    Oil and Gas    Shipping    Telecom and Media