Building and construction

In Norway we have assembled a team of specialists who work with companies within the building and construction industry. They have experience with tax and accounting matters, from both financial and economic aspects, as well as auditing. PwC has developed expertise in the building and construction industry internationally as well as in Norway. Through our international network we have a strong knowledge base that enables us to serve international businesses.

The industry is constantly changing and is facing a number of challenges, including:

  • Competition from low-cost countries, as a result of EU enlargement.
  • Weak profitability due to tenders with low margins, while quality demands are high.
  • Restructuring - major players taking over midsize entities, while the smaller entities remain.
  • Complex projects require expertise in project management.
  • Increased globalisation.
  • Pressure on public budgets.
  • New contract standards, such as OPS.

The building and construction industry is responsible for the buildings we live and work in, the roads we drive on, as well as airports, railways and ports. In Norway the sector has annual revenue of about NOK 160 billion, employs approximately 159,000 people.

Projects are often large and complex, but at the same time there are many small players in the industry. The requirements for efficiency and quality are forcing companies to focus on business management and technology development, as well as being subject to environmental considerations. PwC assists in all the various issues listed above.

Building and construction

Contact us

Cato Kaasa

Cato Kaasa

Partner | Retail & Consumer , PwC Norway

Tel: +47 952 60 626